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Payment Reports

How to locate Payment Reports: Redbox Management → Reports → Payments

Payment Reports are only available for Parter, Marketplace Owner or Marketplace Admin users.

There are two different kinds of Payment Reports:

  • Invoices by Outlet - This is a list of all the invoices sent by Redbox Management on a Monday morning via email. The marketplace can individually download an invoice per outlet, and resend the invoice via email per outlet.

  • Payments by Outlet - This is a list of the payments due to the outlet for the selected period. It is broken down into ‘Order Totals’, ‘Delivery Totals’, and ‘Business Totals’ (what the business will receive for the selected period)

Each report can be filtered by:

  • Marketplaces.

  • Time period: Day / Week / Month / Custom.

  • Date picker: A calendar view to enter a specified date range.

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