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Configuring Apps Mobile v4.0.36 and below

Each marketplace will be provided with an iOS and Android app. These apps can be configured to suit your marketplace and business needs.

Changes to the configurations will affect the App Center, iOS and Android apps.

Changes to one environment i.e Staging will not affect the configuration of the other environment i.e Production.

Only Partner, Marketplace Owner and Marketplace User users will have access to the app configurations. See User Access Level for more information.

To make app configurations navigate to:

Redbox Management Portal → Marketplaces → select the required marketplace → Apps

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 12.22.44.png

Marketplace Apps - App Configuration

Enable Reordering

If enabled, the reorder button can be found at the bottom of each individual order, this will allow the customer to place the same items into the basket for a quicker checkout. To locate a customer's individual order, on the app navigate to → Profile → My Orders → Select an order.

Mobile v4.0.36 and below
Reorder - (Left) enabled and (Right) disabled

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 12.32.13.png

Mobile v5+
Reorder - (Left) enabled and (Right) disabled

Enable Search

On Mobile App v5.0+, the Search section will always be visible, regardless of the Enable Search setting in Redbox Magement.

If enabled, customers will have the ability to search for specific categories or businesses while on the outlet list view and for specific menu items while on the menu view.

Mobile v4.0.36 and below
Search, outlet list view - (Left) enabled and (Right) disable on the outlet’s page

Mobile v4.0.36 and below
Search, menu view - (Left) enabled and (Right) disable on the menu page

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 13.38.59.png

Mobile v5.0+
Search on outlet list view (Left) and Search on outlet menu view (Right)

Confirm Address at Checkout

If enabled, the customer is requested to confirm their delivery address before completing the order on the Pay and Complete view.

Confirm Address at Checkout enabled

Hide Categories Bar

If enabled, the categories bar will not be displayed on the outlet list view.

Mobile v4.0.36 and below
Hide Categories Bar - (Left) enabled and (Right) disabled

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 13.40.10.png

Mobile v5.0+
Hide Categories Bar - (Left) enabled and (Right) disabled

Menu items options picker style - choose how your options list displays

Choose how your customer views the options menu this can be as a List or Paginated.

  • List - displays the menu item options as a list, this will also display an image in this view if one is available.

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 14.10.02.png

Mobile v5.0+ (Left) and Mobile v4.0.36 and below (Right)
List menu item option display where no image is available.

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 14.13.24.png

Mobile v5.0+ (Left) and Mobile v4.0.36 and below (Right)
List menu item option display with an image.

  • Paginated - displays the menu item options as a set of pages, this view will never show an image on Mobile v4.0.36 and below.

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 14.16.13.png

Mobile v5.0+ (Left) and Mobile v4.0.36 and below (Right)
Menu Item Options Display - Paginated

Outlet Menu item display - turn your thumbnails on or off in the menu.

Choose how your menu item thumbnail images are displayed in the menu list.

  • List - This option will not display any thumbnail images on the menu list.

Menu list not showing thumbnails

  • Image List - The images will display as a thumbnail next to the menu item on the menu list.

Menu list showing thumbnails.

Update App Prompt

If enabled, the customer will receive a prompt should their app be below the set ‘minimum iOS/Android version’.

Marketplace Apps - App Update Prompt

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