Google Pay for Apps and Website
Only available for customers using Web 2.0 and Mobile 5.0+.
Google Pay is a fast and secure way for users to make payments on apps v5+ and website 2.0. Enabling Google Pay will enhance the checkout experience and may boost conversations.
Setting up Google Pay
Prerequisites for completing Google Pay API
Your Android app needs to have been sent to the Google Play Store, this does not need to be sent for review.
The business details section of the Google Pay & Wallet Console needs to be completed before submitting the Google Pay API details.
Google requires screenshots of the buy flow using Google Pay, using your staging website and apps to collect screenshots of the following:
Item selection - when a user is browsing an item or service.
Pre-purchase screen - when a user is ultimately ready to make a purchase.
Create a basket/checkout which will have an order total of £12.50
Payment method screen - when a user selects Google Pay as their payment method.
Google Pay API payment screen - when a customer is shown the payment info they’ve saved to Google Pay. Tip: Android won't allow you to take a screenshot of this screen, so take a picture of the screen using another device.
Please use the following screenshots for submission:
App’s Google Pay API Payment Screen
Website’s Google Pay API Payment Screen
Post-purchase screen - when a user has made a successful purchase.
If you require assistance, please contact your Product Specialist.
Setting up Google Pay for the app
Navigate to Google Pay & Wallet Console.
If you have not completed the Business Profile, the Welcome to Google Pay & Wallet Console screen will appear, please complete the ‘Public Business Name’, select ‘Merchant’ for the Business Type and check the ‘Accept Google Pay & Wallet Console Terms and Conditions’.
Select ‘Google Pay API’
Select ‘Get Started’
On the Google Pay API window, check the ‘I've read and agree to the Google Pay API Terms of Service’ and select ‘Continue’.
select the ‘Integrations’ tab
under ‘Integrate with your Android app’, and select ‘Manage’ next to the Android app name
If there is no app name, you need to submit a build to the Google Store to complete the below steps.
for ‘Integration type’, select ‘Gateway’
upload the screenshots collected to their relevant sections
select ‘Save’
select ‘Submit for approval’
Once the Google Pay Integration has been approved, you can publish your application on the Google Play Store.
Setting up Google Pay for the Website
Navigate to Google Pay & Wallet Console.
select ‘Google Pay API’
select the ‘Integrations’ tab
under ‘Integrate with your website’, select ‘Add website’
for ‘Integration type’, select ‘Gateway’
upload the screenshots collected to their relevant sections
select ‘Save’
select ‘Submit for approval’