Setting up your Sunmi Partners Account
All Sunmi terminals are managed through an inbuilt Mobile Device Management system called Sunmi Partners.

Sunmi Partners enables remote management of terminals, and also determines which terminals can install the Redbox apps. You can log in to your Sunmi Partners account here:
There are two types of Sunmi Partner accounts you can choose from:
A Sunmi Partners Sub-account from our Redbox Sunmi account
A primary Sunmi Partners account you manage yourself (you can register for your account here
We recommend a sub-account unless you are planning on franchising your marketplace, in which case you will need to manage your own primary account and set up your own sub-accounts for your franchisees.
We will set up your sub-account for you, if you have not received an invite yet and you are ready to setup your terminals, please ask us to set up your Sunmi Partners sub-account.
Gifting terminals: sub-accounts
To be able to access a terminal in your Sunmi account it needs to be ‘gifted’ by the seller to our primary Redbox Sunmi account. To be able to gift a terminal both Sunmi accounts need to be ‘friends’.
Once terminals have been delivered to you please send us a list of the serial numbers for your new terminals and we will bind these terminals to your subaccount. This step is important to ensure you can access the terminals via remote access.
When you buy Sunmi terminals always ensure the seller is able to ‘gift’ the devices to our Redbox account. If you buy a terminal that is second hand it may be registered to a different Partners account, which can make installing the Redbox app difficult, and you will be unable to manage the terminal remotely.
Most large retailers of Sunmi terminals are already ‘friends’ with our account. If you would like to buy from a seller who has not gifted terminals to us before, please let us know so we can give you our ‘Friend code’ and send a friend request to the new seller to connect our accounts.
Gifting terminals: primary-accounts
To be able to access a terminal in your Sunmi account it needs to be ‘gifted’ by the seller to your primary account. To be able to gift a terminal both Sunmi accounts need to be ‘friends’. If you are managing your own primary Sunmi Partners account you will need to send the seller a friend request yourself.
Once terminals have been delivered to you, you will need to accept them in Gift and Acceptance Record. Once they are accepted they will be in your main account, if you would like to move them to a sub-account you control you can do this in Device Ownership > Device Bound.
When you buy Sunmi terminals always ensure the seller is able to ‘gift’ the devices to your primary Sunmi Partners account. If you buy a terminal that is second hand it may be registered to a different Partners account, which can make installing the Redbox app difficult, and you will be unable to manage the terminal remotely.
Setting up your Sunmi Partners Account
The setup for a Sunmi Partners sub-account is the same for a primary account, except for the app list settings. Once these settings are applied, when you activate a terminal for the first time it will download the Redbox Restaurant app and then open the app in Kiosk mode.
App List:
If you have a sub-account it should say “Current app store is being managed by Redbox”. Only the Redbox Apps will show in your app store and the Redbox Restaurant app will be set to Automatic Installation.
If you have a primary account you manage yourself you can apply to Sunmi to whitelist just the apps you would like to show in your Sunmi App Store, and set these to only show the Redbox app. You can then set the Redbox Restaurant app to Automatic Installation.
Super Permissions: Redbox Restaurant app should have Power Manager super permissions.

Default Startup for all terminal types should be Redbox Restaurant, if you add a new terminal type to your account you will need to update the default startup for your new terminal type. Watchdog should also be activated for all terminal types.

Kiosk mode for all terminal types should be Redbox Restaurant, remember to update if you add a new terminal type to your account

Activating a New Terminal
Once your Sunmi account is set up you can activate your first terminal:
Ensure the terminal has been gifted to your account (for primary accounts) or bound to your sub-account. If you have a Sunmi sub-account you must tell us the serial numbers of your terminals before you activate them, so we can accept them and bind them to your sub-account.
Turn on the terminal and follow the on-screen steps. If you see a screen about activating your terminal, accept this screen. If you see a screen with a form about registering your terminal, you can skip this screen, as your terminal should already be registered to your account.
The terminal will download the Redbox App automatically, and load the app in kiosk mode, ready for you to enter the Redbox Pin.
Kiosk Mode
As the Redbox Restaurant app is set as the default app for Kiosk mode, then when the terminal turns on it will load the Redbox app and the status bar will not be visible. Users will not be able to exit the Redbox app, or access the desktop. To exit kiosk mode on a terminal follow these steps:
Hold the power button
Tap ‘Exit Kiosk’ in the top right of the screen
Enter the Kiosk pin
Terminal Remote Management
You can access your terminals remotely using Sunmi remote access. Always ensure remote access is set to unattended on your terminals, before installing the terminal at a business, by following these steps:
Make sure the terminal has a wifi connection
Open the remote assistance app on the terminal
Turn on the toggle on the app to ‘unattend’
Wait for the toggle to remain on before exiting the remote access app
Terminals with the remote access set to unattended on will show a padlock with a key next to them in the Remote Management list in your Sunmi Partners account. You can also add a note to each terminal, it is useful to add the name of the business the terminal is assigned to here, so you can search for terminals using this tag.

The ‘more’ menu next to each terminal allows you to remote into each of your terminals, and also view other important information. If the green dot next to the terminal is grey, the terminal is off or has no network connectivity, so you will be unable to remote into the terminal.

You should ensure that Remote Access is working correctly on your terminal before issuing it to a Business. When installing a new terminal at a Business you will need to exit Kiosk mode and change the wifi over to the business's wifi to ensure it has connectivity, open the Settings app on the terminal and navigate to Wifi to change the settings.