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Add-on-sale menus are changing, please take action now.

Our Add-on-sale checkout feature offers customers a selection of items from your add-on-sale menu at a special discounted price at checkout. This feature is changing to make it simpler to set up and use. Before we release these changes you may need to update your add-on-sale menu prices.

If you don’t currently use this feature you don't need to take any action, but you may wish to start using this feature after we have released our updates as this feature will be easier to use.

Add-on-sale items will only be offered on Website 2.0 and Mobile App 5.x as part of this update. Add-on-sale items will no longer be offered

What is changing?

We are updating this feature to no longer calculate the price the customer is offered these add-on-sale items based on their basket value. Instead, all add-on-sale items will be provided at the minimum price. For example, if you have an item on your add-on-sale menu where the Minimum price is £2.00 and the Gross price is £4.00, previously this item would have been offered to the customer at a price between £2.00 - £4.00 based on their current basket total, this item will now be provided to customers at £2.00 every time regardless of their basket total.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 16.41.08.png

Add-on-sale item offered at checkout, showing discounted price

We have also added a feature so you can specify a minimum basket size that must be achieved before add-on-sale items are offered to the customer. For example, you could set this value to £10.00 and only customers with a basket total of £10.00 or higher will be offered add-on-sale items at checkout. This setting is optional, if you make no changes all customers will be offered add-on-sale items at checkout.

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 13.36.18.png

What do I need to do?

If you have an add-on-sale menu you should check the minimum price on your menu items and update this price if it is too low. This is the price this item will be offered to the customer every time it is shown at checkout to your customers. The Gross price will be shown to the customer with a strikethrough, so please check this price reflects the standard price this item would be offered, so your customer can see the discount they will receive.

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 13.28.30.png

Add-on-sale item price settings in management

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