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Create Google and Apple API Keys

In order for us to import your marketplace and be able to start sending new builds, we will need you to send the Redbox team the Google and Apple Key.

Setup Google Key

  1. Go to

  2. Navigate to ‘Setup’ on the left side.

  3. Select ‘API access’.

  4. Select ‘Choose a project to link’.

  5. Agree to the Terms & Conditions.

  6. Create a new project.

  7. Select ‘Link project’.

  8. Select ‘Create new service account’.

  9. Select ‘Go to Google Cloud Platform’.

  10. Select ‘Create Service Account’.

  11. Add the details as shown below:

    1. Service account name: Redbox

    2. Service account description: Redbox App Service Account

  12. Under ‘Grant this service account access to project’ select ‘Owner under Role’.

  13. Select ‘Continue’.

  14. Under ‘Grant users access to this service account’, select ‘Done’.

  15. Under ‘Actions’ click the three dots and then select ‘Manage Keys’.

  16. Select ‘Add Key’.

  17. Create New Key.

  18. Select ‘JSON’.

  19. Select ‘Create’.

  20. It will download a file (make sure you don’t delete it).

  21. Go back to Play Console.

  22. Select ‘Done’.

  23. Under ‘Services accounts’, select ‘Grant access’.

  24. Under ‘Account permissions’, select ‘Admin’.

  25. Under ‘App permissions’, select ‘Add app’.

  26. Select the app.

  27. Select ‘Invite user’ and send the invite.

  28. Under ‘Users & permissions’, you need to select the Google key (the user name).

  29. Copy the user name and alongside the file send them both to the Product Specialist so we can complete the setup.

Setup Apple Key (API Key)

You will need to invite & to your account and give the user account full privileges. This will help us complete the setup from our end.

  1. Once you enrolled in the Apple Developer Program, you’ll be able to manage team members in App Store Connect.

  2. In the top navigation of your developer account, select “Program resources.” Under “Additional resources,” select “Users and Access.”

  3. Select the add button (+).

  4. In the dialog that appears, enter the user’s first name, last name, and email address.

  5. Under Roles, select the user’s role as Admin.

  6. Select invite.

Once you have completed the above steps, you will need to agree on the terms and allow us access to proceed:

  1. Log in to App Store Connect. You will see the App Store Connect home page.

  2. Select the ‘Users and Access’ icon. You are taken to your team's user list.

  3. Select the Keys tab at top of the page. You will see the message ‘Permission is required to access the App Store Connect API. You can request access on behalf of your organisation’ along with a ‘Request Access’ button.

  4. Select ‘Request Access’. You will see a very short agreement (just a few lines), an "I agree" type checkbox, and a Submit button.

  5. Review the terms and, if acceptable, select the checkbox and then select ‘Submit’.
    You're done!

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