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Multi-Channel Campaigns

Redbox Marketing is any easy-to-use feature which enables you to send marketing messages to your customers. We’ve put together some useful points that will guide you in building your first multi-channel campaign in Redbox.

Getting Started

Build your customer list

Start growing your list of customers as soon as you can, even before you officially launch your marketplace. When customers register with your marketplace they will be opted in to your marketing communications.

Social media promotion

Create some social media buzz and ask people to register with your marketplace to hear about offers and promotions from you. If you are comfortable using Meta to build engagement, you can run Meta ads that will focus on getting more customers, you can learn more about Meta and how it can help you in our Meta Ads guide.

Create your first campaign with Redbox

Redbox's flexible marketing campaign templates can help you create exciting campaigns and increase sales.

Segment setup

Create segmented lists to target people’s special interests, people unsubscribe from your email list if your emails/push notifications don’t relate to them so you need to make sure they are relevant to each segment group. By doing this you’ll also be maximising the chances that they engage with your business.

Campaign setup

When it comes to creating your campaign, make sure you have one clear message. If you have different types of messages you want to send, try breaking them up into a series of campaigns instead.

Push Notifications

Push notifications enable businesses to increase app engagement. Make sure you keep the text short and informative and always include a clear call to action that will create an incentive for the receivers to interact with your message. People receive many push notifications on their mobile devices every day, so you need to try to spark their interest with a catchy message, you can also use emojis that are relevant to your content and get their attention. Push notifications generally have a higher open rate than emails.


SMS is a powerful and direct way to reach your customers. As with push notifications, your message needs to be short and have a clear purpose. You could use uppercase text to highlight an offer or something that requires action, creating an urgency for the receivers to take action.


Email campaigns can help you communicate with your customers and build a loyal customer base, raising brand awareness and promoting your outlets using nice imagery. There are a few different elements you need to focus on when creating your email campaign. Make sure your title creates an incentive so customers are encouraged to open your email, use interesting content and high-quality images, but most of all include a call-to-action (button).


  • Create a hierarchy - Put the most crucial information at the top so people who are short on time can read the message straight away.

  • Break it up - Use images, dividers, and headers to separate content into sections that are easy to understand. 

  • Add links - Make sure you link your information to a page on your ordering website where subscribers can learn more.


Our template is simple and easy to use. You can customise the template using different components that will best match the layout you’d like to use. 


The template will pick up the logo and colours of your marketplace, so make sure your logo is visible and clear. Choose just up to two colours for your campaign - The fewer colours you use, the cleaner your design will look, which means your subscribers won’t be distracted from your message. We suggest picking colours that your brand uses elsewhere.


Any images you feature in your campaigns should be in the right format and look professional, they should be sized correctly to avoid squashing or stretching. Make sure you pick images that will compliment the background colour and your branding to make them the central focus. Ideally, you want to feature images provided by your outlets, however, we know that this can be challenging and time-consuming sometimes. There are many stock photography websites to choose from, like Unsplash and iStock.


Most people spend less than 15 seconds reading marketing emails, so prioritise your content from top to bottom. Your campaign should look tidy so if your content is minimal, then use centering - For example, one big photo and a few sentences. If you have more content, use left alignment to make it more legible. Always keep alignment consistent across the entire campaign to maintain harmony.

Call to Action button (CTA)

We advise using at least one CTA in your campaign and writing short and clear CTAs that will motivate your subscribers to act (for example Order Now). Tell your customers exactly what you want them to do, using active language.

Best time to send a campaign

When to send a campaign depends on your audience, so knowing the demographics of your current and potential customers is one of the most essential things for successful marketing. We've put together some suggestions for you.

PayDay/ Beginning of the month

People tend to spend more during the payday period they are getting paid (that's usually the beginning or end of the month), and we see many companies targeting customers during that time using different types of marketing strategies. 


From Summer Bank Holidays to Halloween and Black Friday, Cyber Monday to Christmas, these events are a great opportunity for businesses to increase brand awareness and drive sales. Customers are expecting offers and promotions during these events, so make sure you prep your marketing calendar. 

Before Lunch & Dinner (for Restaurant Type Marketplaces)

Customers usually start to think about what to have for lunch around 11 am, so sending mouth-watering pictures with lunchtime offers can help boost your sales. Since this will be the time your competitors will be sending their campaign too, you need to make sure your message is clear and simple and includes a CTA. Email campaigns have higher open rates just before lunch.

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