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How to locate Menus - Redbox → Businesses → Select a business → Menu

Menus are used to display all the items a business and its associated outlets have to offer. Each menu can be configured according to fulfilment (delivery, collection and table), a scheduled date range, for example, to facilitate a Christmas Menu, Or the availability of a menu, for example, to only show specific menus for lunchtime and another for dinner times.

There are two ways to view the menu:

  • Column - the top menu is on the first list, and when a top menu is clicked, the menu items display in the next column in a list.

  • Tree - the top menu is displayed with all the menu items below as one long list.

  1. Menus can be multi-level, to add a main menu press + Add Menu

  2. To add a sub-menu to your parent menu press the three dots next to the name of the menu

  3. To add an item to your menu, select the menu and press + Add Item 

  4. To add extra info to your item select the item and update it via the form on the right.

    1. Item name

    2. Item description

    3. Price

    4. Age restriction toggle, this shows a warning on the receipt for any orders with an age-restricted item in it

    5. Dietary information

    6. Sold out or hide the menu item per outlet

    7. Item picture

    8. Item Options:

      1. You can add menu options to any item. 

        1. You can create a new menu option from within a menu item, or by using the options tab

        2. Menu options are global within your menu and can be added to multiple items

        3. If you edit a menu option, it will be updated on all items it is applied to, both future and past

        4. Menu options can be required or optional, and can have prices or be free options.

        5. Menu items can have multiple menu options.

Note: Once you have added an item to a menu you will not be able to add sub menus at this level.

From the Column view:

  • Click the three dots next to the menu name, click move up or move down

From the Tree view:

  • Drag and drop the desired item

  • click on the three dots next to the menu name, click Edit / Schedule

  • Set the availability times as desired

  • click on the three dots next to the menu name, click Edit / Schedule

  • click Fulfilment

  • click on the three dots next to the menu name, click Delete

VAT can be added to menu items where the business has VAT enabled at the Business level (Business → Financial → Taxes). When VAT is enabled, the user can set the menu item to have 5% or 20% VAT on the Gross Price. Your price should be the gross price of the item (with VAT), the system will calculate the net price (without VAT) for you, based on the rate you have chosen.

Navigate to Outlets → Stock → click on the three dots next to the menu name, click Hide Menu or Show Menu when the menu is already hidden.

When hidden, the menu or sub-menus and associated menu items will not display on the ordering website or mobile app for the outlet.

Menu groups which have been hidden will appear greyed out.

Menu items can be set to sold out or hidden on either the business → menu. Or from the outlet → Stock.

Select the menu item, and select from either:

  • Hidden - the item will no longer be visible to the customer on the menu.

  • Sold out - this will display the item with a sold out lozenge and will not allow the customer to add the item to their basket. It can be set with no time scale, until the next opening time or made custom.

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