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You can manage each of your businesses on your marketplace via the Redbox Management Portal, just navigate to the Businesses tab in the main navigation. All your businesses will be listed here, just click on the business you would like to manage.

The tabs below are based on Partner User Access Level, other users may not have access to all of these tabs. See User Access Level for more information.

Business Navigation - The list of businesses associated with the user signed in.

Business - This is a list of all the Businesses associated with your user account.

Outlets - This is a list of all the outlets associated with your user account

Terminals - This is a list of all the Terminals linked to outlets which are associated with your user account.

Onboarding - If enabled, this is a list of the businesses which have completed the onboarding form via your website.

Clicking into a business will allow you to configure your business settings. You will have the following tabs available to you:

Business - A businesses overview screen.

Overview - An overview of the business.

Details - All the business details such as contact information can be updated from here. The following configurations can also be edited/enabled/disabled from here:

  • Activate the business

  • Category Tags

  • Business Branding

  • Promote the business (if Promote Business is enabled on Marketplace details)

  • Special Offer Flags

  • Allow ‘Add-on-Sale’ Menu

Financial - All the business financial settings can be configured here, including the following:

  • Marketplace Overrides (Customised charges and fees for this business)

  • Taxes

  • Minimum Purchase Price

  • ‘Add-on Sale’ Menu (if ‘Allow ‘Add-on-Sale’ Menu’ is enabled on Business details)

Menu - View, Edit and Create each menu and its items.

Options - View, Edit and Create each option.

Outlets - A list of the outlets associated with this business.

Discounts - View, Edit and Create business discounts.

Users - A list of users associated with this business.

Members - View, create and delete member discounts.

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