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Marketplace Messaging allows Marketplaces to email their Businesses within Redbox Management.

In order to use Marketplace Messaging, you are required to configure your DNS settings. Please see the DNS Configuration guide.

This feature can only be accessed by a Partner, Marketplace Owner, Marketplace Admin and Marketplace User. See User Access Level for more information.

How to set up Marketplace Messaging

  • Go to Redbox management and navigate to your marketplace

  • Click on the Message Templates tab

  • Under Marketplace Messaging Sender, you will need to add a sender's name.
    For example: If you add ‘hello' as the sender's name and the marketplace CNAME is set to '’ when the outlet owner receives your email, the sender will be ‘’

  • Click Save

  • Click on to the DNS tab

  • Copy each name and value pair from the Messaging DNS table to your domain provider. If you are unsure how to configure your DNS settings, please click here. - Once these records have been added, and the Verification Status displays (tick) your Marketplace Messaging is now configured.

  • Navigate to Messaging tab from the main navigation

  • You will see a list of your marketplaces that have Business Messaging set up. If you only have one marketplace you will be taken directly to the inbox

How to send an email using Marketplace Messaging

  • Click New Message at the top right and fill in the form

  • You can select multiple businesses to send your email to.

  • The email will be sent to the contact email address of each outlet.

  • Only outlets which have a contact email address will be available in the drop down list.

  • If you enable Add marketplace theme it will use the Marketplace template theme using the correct branding logo and colours

  • Click Submit

  • If your outlets reply to your email, their email will appear in the Inbox in management

The tabs below are based on Partner Users Access Level, other users may not have access to all these tabs. See User Access Level for more information.

Initially, a list of marketplaces which are associated with the current user will be listed. Once a marketplace has been selected, the following tabs will be displayed:

Inbox - All incoming emails.

Outbox - All sent emails.

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