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A refund happens in a few circumstances, initially, when an order using a card is placed, we create an authorised but un-captured charge against the customer’s card. This is done to ensure the card is valid and has sufficient funds before we send the order to the business. These are the refund scenarios:

  • If the order is rejected then we return the un-captured charge to the customer's card and the order status is changed to REJECTED.

  • If the order is CANCELLED after it is accepted, but before it is completed, the customer is automatically refunded in full.

  • Order can be refunded in Redbox after the order is COMPLETED , this can be done by marketplace owners and partners. Orders can only be refunded in full currently, this is done on the order by clicking the Refund button and completing all the fields.

  • Refunds can only be made by Marketplace Owners and Partners.

  • Only full order refunds are currently available, the Redbox team are working on a Partial Refund function, which will be available soon.

  • Discount Codes can be used to provide a customer with a refund. This can be done by creating a discount code with the required refund value and specifying the required outlet, allowing the customer to utilise the refund on their next order. See our Discount Codes guide for more information.

  • Refunds can take 3-4 days to show on the customer's account.

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