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Website 2.0 Theming

Website 2.0 supports a detailed theme for your brand, which can be set and customised in Redbox Management. Where the theme asks for a dark or light colour, ensure you provide a suitable light or dark colour, as these colours are used to ensure there is enough contrast when text is displayed on top of another colour.

Changes to your theme may take up to an hour to display on your website.

To set your theme, navigate to Redbox Management Portal → Marketplaces → Branding. Each field will accept a hex code of the colour you would like to set. You can also click on the colour thumbnail to use a colour picker. Once you've made the changes you want, select the 'Save' button to make sure any changes have been applied successfully.

If you want to revert to the original colour palette, simply select the 'Reset' button and all the colour codes will reset to the default.

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 13.18.06.png
Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 13.25.29.png



Site Background

Used as the background of your site, white or a pale colour works best.


Your main brand colour, used in the main header and on buttons.

Brand Dark

Used on titles

Brand Light

Used as the background of the service picker and in the footer.

Brand Highlight

Used when you hover over a segment card.

Light Shadow

Used as the border on the service picker.

Dark Shadow

Used as a shadow colour under the service picker.

Main Text

Used as the main text colour, normally a dark colour.

Dark Text

Used where dark text is needed over a colour that isn't white.

Light Text

Used where light text is needed over a colour that isn't white.


Applied to warnings in forms and in checkout, should be a shade of red.


Used for outlet flags on segments, outlet cards and on the outlet menu view. This colour needs to work as a background for white text and also as a stand alone text colour.


Used for discounts on segments, outlet cards and on the outlet menu view. This colour needs to work as a background for white text and also as a stand alone text colour. To help customers identify which text is flags and which are discounts its worth making this colour different to the flag colour.

Open / Order Status

Used for opening status buttons and full text on the outlet cards on the home page, outlet list and on the outlet menu when the outlet is currently open.

Preorder Status

Used for opening status buttons and full text on the outlet cards on the home page, outlet list and on the outlet menu when the outlet is currently offering preordering.

For a positive customer experience, you need to make sure your colour choices improve readability. Using unsuitable colours on buttons or text can make the navigation and content on your website challenging for your customers and can impact their ability to use it.

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