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Copying a Menu from one Business To Another

A catalogue of menus, menu items, options or option items can be exported and imported into another business or environment, for example, from the Staging environment to the Production environment or vice versa. This process requires a specific set of steps to allow a smooth transfer of data. For other usage scenarios, please see the Menu Importing and Export guide.



Navigate to the Redbox Management Portal → Businesses → Select the required business → Menu → Select ‘Export’ → Select ‘Menu’ → Select ‘Creating new items’ → Click Export. This will create and download a CSV file with all the menus currently available for this business.

Open this CSV file, and remove all the values currently under the id column, these values are the menu IDs unique to the business they are attached to. Make any additional changes required. On importing the menus into the new business, the Redbox system will allocate the menus with IDs unique to the new business.

When you have finished making changes save it as a .CSV file.

Menu Items:

Navigate to the Redbox Management Portal → Businesses → Select the required business → Menu → Select ‘Export’ → Select ‘Menu Items’ → Select ‘Creating new items’ → Click Export. This will create and download a CSV file with all the menu items currently available for this business.

Open this CSV file, and remove all the values currently under the id, menuId and optionID columns, these values are the IDs unique to the business they are attached to. Make any additional changes required. On importing the menus into the new business, the Redbox system will allocate the menu items with IDs unique to the new business.

When you have finished making changes save it as a .CSV file.


Navigate to the Redbox Management Portal → Businesses → Select the required business → Options → Select ‘Export’ → select ‘Options’ → Select ‘Creating new items’ → Click Export. This will create and download a CSV file with all the options currently available for this business.

Open this CSV file, and remove all the values currently under the id column, these values are the option IDs unique to the business they are attached to. Make any additional changes required. On importing the options into the new business, the Redbox system will allocate the options with IDs unique to the new business.

When you have finished making changes save it as a .CSV file.

Option Items:

Navigate to the Redbox Management Portal → Businesses → select the required business → Option → Select ‘Export’ → Select ‘Option Items’ → Select ‘Create new items’ → Click Export. This will create and download a CSV file with all the option items currently available for this business.

Open this CSV file, and remove all the values currently under the id and optionID columns, these values are the IDs unique to the business they are attached to. Make any additional changes required. On importing the menus into the new business, the Redbox system will allocate the option items with IDs unique to the new business.

When you have finished making changes save it as a .CSV file.


Menu and menu items:

The Redbox system will automatically detect which type of import your are submitting (Menu or Menu Items).

Navigate to the Redbox Management Portal → Businesses → Select the required business → Menu → import → Click ‘Browse’ → Locate the menu or menu items CSV file you would like to import → Click ‘Start Import’ → A view called Import Data will appear with all the data from the CSV file.

From this view, you can:

  • make further changes to the menus if necessary.

  • select which items you would like to be import or deselect items which you do not want to be imported.

  • Allocate menu items to a menu via a pre-populated drop down box (menu item imports only).

Once you are happy with the current selection, click on Import Selected, one by one the items will be imported. When the import is complete, you will get a success message. Please refresh the screen after each import is successful to see the updates.

Options and option items:

The Redbox system will automatically detect which type of import your are submitting (Option or Option Items).

Navigate to the Redbox Management Portal → Businesses → Select the required business → Options → import → Click ‘Browse’ → Locate the option or option items CSV file you would like to import → Click ‘Start Import’ → A view called Import Data will appear with all the data from the CSV file.

From this view, you can:

  • make further changes to the options if necessary.

  • select which items you would like to be import or deselect items which you do not want to be imported.

  • allocate option items to an option via a pre-populated drop down box (Option item imports only).

Once you are happy with the current selection, click on Import Selected, one by one the items will be imported. When the import is complete, you will get a success message. Please refresh the screen after each import is successful to see the updates.

How to save the CSV file 

The Redbox systems import facility will only accept files in the .CSV format. Saving the file in the correct format is an important step in setting up the .CSV file.

Saving the CSV using Apple's Numbers program

  1. Once you have completed the edits to the file

  2. Click ‘File’

  3. Click ‘Export to’

  4. Select ' CSV

  5. On the Export Your Spreadsheet popover, select ‘Next…’

  6. Set the name of the file and select where you would like the document to be saved

  7. Click ‘Export’

  8. Your file is now ready to be imported into the Redbox Management Portal

Saving the CSV file using Windows Excel program

  1. Once you have completed the edits to the file

  2. Click ‘File’

  3. Click ‘Save’

  4. Locate the .CSV file on your device (it was most likely saved in your downloads file)

  5. Right click the file name, select ‘Open with’ and select ‘Notepad’

  6. The file will be opened in Notepad, here you will need to delete any blank spaces trailing the last comma in the document.

  7. Once you have deleted all the blank spaces trailing the last comma, click ‘File’

  8. Click ‘Save’

  9. Your file is now ready to be imported into the Redbox Management Portal

Saving the CSV file using Google’s Google Docs

  1. Once you have completed the edits to the file

  2. Click ‘File’

  3. Click ‘Download’

  4. Select ‘Comma Separated Values (.CSV)’

  5. The file will now be downloaded to your device and is ready to be imported into the Redbox Management Portal.


Field Values for CSV files


Column Names:

What is it?

Input Values


A unique ID generated by the Redbox system for each menu on creation



The name of the menu

Enter the name of the menu


A description of the menu

Enter the description of the menu, or leave this blank


Which fulfilments the menu will be offered on


each fulfilment needs to be separated by a | and no spaces. This can be left blank and selected on import


Sets the menu to be a Add-On-Sale Menu


Menu Items:

Column Names:

What is it?

Input Values


A unique ID generated by the Redbox system for each menu item on creation



The name of the menu item

Enter the name of the menu item


The price the customer pays for the menu item

Enter a value as ££.pp eg 12.99


The production or cost price of the menu item, used for managing discounts

Enter a value as ££.pp eg 12.99 or leave the field blank


This is the minimum price the menu item will be offered for ('add-on sale' menu items only)

Enter a value as ££.pp eg 12.99 or leave the field blank


The unique ID of the menu which the menu item belongs to

If it is a new menu item, either enter the menu id of the menu (if known), or leave this field blank and select this information on import


The unique ID of the option which is assigned to the menu item

If it is a new menu item, either enter the option id of the option (if known), or leave this field blank and select this information on import


A description of the menu item.

Enter the description of the menu item, or leave this blank


Allergy tag, enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE)

TRUE or FALSE - if left blank, the field will default to FALSE


Allergy tag, enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE)

TRUE or FALSE - if left blank, the field will default to FALSE


Allergy tag, enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE)

TRUE or FALSE - if left blank, the field will default to FALSE


Allergy tag, enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE)

TRUE or FALSE - if left blank, the field will default to FALSE


Age restriction tag, enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE)

TRUE or FALSE - if left blank, the field will default to FALSE


A SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) identifier

Any number of digits or letters


A UPC (Universal Product Code) number

12 digits


Column Names:

What is it?

Input Values


A unique ID generated by the Redbox system for each option on creation



The name of the option

Enter the name of the option


The minimum amount of options a user can select

Enter a number, if left blank, the field will default to 0


The maximum amount of options a user can select

Enter a number, if left blank, the field will default to 1

Option items:

Column Names:

What is it?

Input Values


A unique ID generated by the Redbox system for each option item on creation



The name of the option item

Enter the name of the option item


The price the customer pays for the menu item

Enter a value as ££.pp eg 12.99, if left blank, the field will default to £0.00


The unique ID of the option which the option item belongs to

If it is a new option item, either enter the option id of the option (if known), or leave this field blank and select this information on import



















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