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Menu Import and Export

Menu import and export is a powerful tool which allows users to import or export their menus, menu items, options and option items as CSV files. You can edit these files in a spreadsheet program and then import them back into Redbox to make bulk changes to your menu.

You can export and import the following data:

  • Menu sections - the main sections of your menu, for example, Starters, Mains, Drinks.

  • Menu items - The items in each of your sections, for example, Beef Burger, Chicken Burger, Fries.

  • Menu options - Menu option names, for example, Burger Extras, Fries Sizes.

  • Menu option items - The options you have in each set of options, for example, Large, Medium, Small.

When you export this data each type of data is a separate file linked by IDs. You cannot export all this data together as one file as a CSV file is not a relational database. This means you need to plan your changes and which data to export carefully.

What is a CSV file? CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values, Redbox uses this to interpret the data and import the menus, menu items, options, and option items accordingly. This type of file is compatible with many programs including the following:

  • Numbers (Apple)

  • Google Sheets (Google)

  • Excel (Windows)

You can use this feature to:

  • Update large menus quickly and easily.

  • Build a new menu by extracting data from your current stock system, formatting this data into the correct columns and importing it into Redbox.

  • Quickly apply bulk price increases using spreadsheet formulas.

  • Copy commonly used options such as Pizza Sizes, Sides etc.

Navigate to the Redbox Management Portal → Businesses → Select the required business → Menu or Options → Select Import or Export depending on the function required.

Menu and Menu Item Import and Export

Option and Option Item Import and Export

Import Data View

Import Data Status

What this means

This item already exists in your menu and will be updated with your changed fields on import.

This item is new and will be add to your menu on import.

This item requires attention before it can be imported. This means that a required field is missing data or does not pass validation. If you would like to ignore this row and continue to import, just uncheck the tick box on this row.

Each of these guides explains how you can use this feature, and the steps to update menus or create new menus using import/export:

Menu import/export can be used to quickly and easily update multiple items on your menu. For example, you may want to allocate a price increase on all the items available in your catalogue. Using the Menu Export allows you to make these changes across all the items in one document, and then Import them back into Redbox and update all your prices quickly.

You can also use this feature to copy a menu from one business to another. For example, you could build a default menu and apply this to a new business, or copy a large menu from one business to a similar business. You can also use this feature to move a menu from the production environment to the staging environment for testing.

Building a large menu manually on the Redbox Management Portal can take some time. With this feature you can collate all the menu data into one file per menu, menu item, option and option item and then import the data back into the Redbox Management Portal quickly and easily. This is especially helpful when building a larger catalogue.

There are instances when a menu and its menu items may need to be duplicated, this could be to offer different pricing or varied availability for different fulfilments. The menu import/export tool allows you to easily duplicate and amend the menu easily.

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