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Managing Orders

When your customer places an order, you can view each one using Orders in the navigation pane. Most businesses will mange their orders and accept orders via a terminal, but this can also be done via the Management Portal. Managing your orders is the most important part of any business, here is some information to get you started with managing orders via management:

  • When an order is placed via the ordering website or app, the order will be displayed on the orders list.

  • All order statuses will be PENDING until they have been accepted or rejected.

  • When a card order is placed with an outlet we create an authorised but uncaptured charge against the customer's card through Stripe. This is done to ensure the card is valid and has sufficient funds before we send the order to the outlet. The order will show as PENDING until the outlet accepts or rejects the order.

  • If the order is accepted we capture the charge through Stripe and the order status changes to PREPARING.

  • If the order is rejected then we return the un-captured charge to the customer through Stripe and the order status is changed to REJECTED.

  • If the order is to be charged to a card we will return the un-captured charge to the customer and the order status will change to REJECTED.

  • Cash orders have no pre-payment taken, so no refunds need to be made and the order will show as REJECTED.

  • Rejected orders are not included in the transactions report as there is no completed transaction associated with those orders.

Accept Orders

  1. Click on the order (this will raise the full order information), and select Accept.

  2. Your order will then be marked as PREPARING.

  3. An accepted order notification will be sent to the customer.

Reject Orders

  1. Click on the order (this will raise the full order information), and select Reject.

  2. Your order will then be marked as REJECTED.

  3. A rejected order notification will be sent to the customer.

Adding Time to Orders

A user can add 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 60 minutes to the order. Once time has been added to the order, the order window/slot will be updated.

  1. Click on the order (this will raise the full order information)
    If the order has not been accepted yet:
    - Click Accept, the model will allow the user to add time
    If the order has been accepted:
    - Click Add Time, the model will allow the user to add time.

  2. An order update notification will be sent to the customer

Cancel Orders

Only orders which have been accepted can be cancelled.

  1. Click on the order (this will raise the full order information), and select Cancel.

  2. Your order will then be marked as ORDER FAILURE REFUND.

  3. A cancel order notification will be sent to the customer.

Ready Orders

Orders which are ready for collection or are ready for delivery should be marked as ready.

  1. Click on the order (this will raise the full order information), and select Ready.

  2. Your order will then be marked as READY.

  3. A ready order notification will be sent to the customer.

Complete Orders

Orders which have been delivered or collected should be marked as complete. Once Completed the order will be removed from the terminal/virtual terminal.

  1. Click on the order (this will raise the full order information), and select Complete.

  2. Your order will then be marked as COMPLETE.

  3. A complete order notification will be sent to the customer.

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