Outlet Details
How to locate Outlet Details: Redbox Management → Businesses → Select a business → Outlets → Select an Outlet → Details
Outlet Details is the central page for contact information and key configuration elements for each specific outlet.
Outlet Name - Check that this is correct and adjust as required.
Outlet Settings
Outlet Pickup Address
Outlet Email Address
Enable/Disable ‘Email Order Receipts’ - This will send a copy of each order to this email.
Customer Contact Phone Number - This will be visible to your customers.
Online Override: (See below for more information)
Terminal Based
When the ‘Online Override’ is set to ‘Online’, Auto Accept Orders will become available. See our Auto-Accepting Orders guide for more information
Management Contact
Contact Name
Contact Address
Contact Email Address
Contact Phone Number
Payout Details
Payout details will be used for manual payouts only, shown on payout reports. This is only relevant for non-Paybox businesses or outlets. Paybox details can be set up using the 'Financial' tab.
Bank Account Number
Sort Code
Outlet logo override (Max 1MB) - In some marketplaces, an outlet can upload their unique logo to override the business logo, available in website 2.0.
Cover Image - We require a cover image to use when displaying your outlet. Here are some pointers for a great cover image:
An image which works well with the business logo.
An engaging and eye-catching image.
An image without text.
An image which is a good representation of your brand.
A clear image, which is not blurry or cropped.
An image which is approximately 800 x 800 in size (must be smaller than 1MB).
Summary - A brief summary of your business that will display at the top of the product index. It should highlight what your business offers in an engaging but succinct way.
Activate outlet - Activating the outlet will allow it to take orders. This must only be turned on when all product lists are active, ordering settings are complete and Paybox is fully setup.
Deactivate outlet - Deactivating the outlet will stop any incoming orders and remove it from the outlet list on the marketplace.
Fulfilment Options
Here you can configure what kind of order fulfilment options you will provide, and how payment will be received. The options available are configured by your marketplace. Tick all boxes that apply to your outlet.
If you will be providing table service as an outlet, by default card only will be offered.
Payment Options
Card on Delivery
Card on Collection
Minimum Order Value - Orders must be this value or higher to be accepted.
Customer Charge - Fee charged to the customer for collection.
Minimum Order Value - Orders must be this value or higher to be accepted.
Fulfilment Times
A link to the 'Ordering' tab in Redbox Management, where delivery windows can be managed.
Outlet Hygiene Ratings
Hygiene Rating Business ID - Website 2.0 and Mobile 5.0+ allow you to display an optional hygiene rating from the Food Standards Agency for your outlets. This is displayed on the info screen for the outlet and the rating displayed comes from the Food Standards Agency website. To add the rating you need to locate the businesses' ID on the Food Standards Agency website and enter this by selecting the ‘Enable Hygiene Rating’ box.

Example food hygiene rating displayed on outlet info view
What is Online Override?
This setting controls when your outlet is visible and open to taking orders. You can choose between three options:
Online - The online/offline status of the outlet will be determined by the settings configured in the 'Ordering' tab in Redbox Management. Should the user choose to close early using the terminal/virtual terminal, this will override the default settings until the next open day on the website and app. Should the user turn off the terminal, or the terminal is unable to connect to the internet, the defaults settings will be unaffected.
Offline - The outlet will display as closed, regardless of the default settings in the 'Ordering' tab in Redbox Management. This could be used for when an outlet is closed for a period of time, eg. holidays.
Terminal Based - Redbox Management checks to see if the terminal is powered on or off to determine the online/offline status of the outlet. If the terminal is left on at all times, Redbox Management will check the opening times for the outlet, and if outside of the set opening times for that day, the outlet will display as closed. Should the user choose to close early using the terminal, this will override the default settings until the next open day on the website/app. Should the user turn off the terminal, or the terminal is unable to connect to the internet, the default settings will be overridden and the outlet will display on the website/app as CLOSED until the terminal is turned on and connected to the internet. At this time, the outlet will return to the expected state according to the default settings.