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Can I notify my customers there is a new version of the app available?

Yes, you can do this by using the app update prompt, see the Configuring Apps guide for more information.

We do not want to use the categories, can I remove the bar?

Yes, you can do this by enabling the Hide Categories, see the Configuring Apps guide for more information.

Why are my menu images not displaying?

Please check your app image settings. To display images, the app needs to have List Image selected, see the Configuring Apps guide for more information.

How do I move my app to the testing version of the app?

To test your app, we strongly advise using the Staging environment, to access your staging environment see the Testing the app on your device using the Staging Environment section of the Testing an app - App Center guide.

Why are some outlets displaying as Order From instead of Closed?

Closed is a negative term, so Redbox made it so that if an outlet has their Online override set to Online or Terminal Based and the terminal is online, and this outlet is due to open within the next few days but does not have Preorder enabled, it will be displayed as Order From, this is showing the customer when the outlet is next open. For more details on opening statuses, see our Business Logic guide.

We have noticed some branding we want to update on our app, what do I need to do?

Many factors will need to be considered, please contact your Product Specialist for more information.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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