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Frequently Asked Questions

Browse Frequently Asked Questions below; if you are unable to find an answer to your query please contact our team.

Marketplace Questions

Can I update my marketplace registered address?

Yes, you can change the registered address for your marketplace. This can be done by navigating to:

Management → Marketplaces → Details → Under Business Contact.

Can I change the phone number and email address available on the website?

Yes, you can change this information on your website, to do this, navigate to:

Management → Marketplaces → Details → Under Support Contact.

What kind of hosting will my marketplace need?

As we host your website, you will need minimal domain services.

What format should I use to send my branding files?

We require branding files to be sent in a vector format (.svg or .eps) and submitted to the support desk.

What is the difference between the Production and Staging Management Portal?

We offer two environments, Production is your live site that your customers will use and where your live orders will be managed. Staging is a replica of your Production site, however, it is for testing purposes. To start, we suggest using the Staging environment.

How can you tell the difference between the Production and Staging Management Portal?

The Production management URL will be and the Staging URL will be Alternatively, the Staging management will have a black and yellow bar across the top.

Why is my invitation to management not working/valid?

Once you receive an invite to the management portal, you will have 7 days on Production and 3 days on Staging to register. If your invite has expired, please contact your Product Specialist.

I am filling in the ‘Request New Marketplace’ form, it is asking me for a 'Brand Name'. What is this?

The brand name is the name your marketplace will be called.

I am filling in the ‘Request New Marketplace’ form, and it is asking me for a ‘Business Address’, but I do not have one yet. What should I do?

Not to worry, for now you can use your personal home address. Once you have a business address we can update our records accordingly.

I have been updating my ‘Legal Documents’, but the page isn't displaying correctly.

For the Legal Documents (Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Misc Policy and Allergy Policy), we use a format called Markdown, this will require further input from yourself to format the document in a style you prefer using some html syntax. Please use one of the following helpful Markdown editors when writing your documents - OR

Why when I try to add a new Business User, I get an error informing me that this user already exists, what should I do?

Please contact your Product Specialist, providing them with the user email, the user level and the business/outlet you would like to attach the user to. This user might already be registered on another marketplace.

How often will Paybox pay out my marketplace and businesses?

Initially, the marketplace/business will be set to receive its first payment daily, after this first payout, it will automatically change to weekly.

I am trying to Web Preview my Collection-only menu, but the menu is not displaying, why?

By default the web preview only displays Delivery menus, we suggest you enable delivery on your menu in the management port, once you are happy with it, change the menu back to Collection only.

What should I do if a customer has a problem with their address?

This is likely an error with the customer's address on Google Maps. Check on Google Maps that the address is correctly pinned, or that the customer's postcode on Google Maps is returning the correct address and that it is not missing.

The Redbox Management system uses Google Maps Geocoding API to locate customers' addresses using a postcode. Occasionally, Google Maps may not have the correct data particular address, causing a delivery address issue in Redbox.

If on Redbox Management → Customers → your customer, the Map is displaying the address in the wrong position, it is likely the address is not correct on Google Maps.

How to update an existing address which is incorrect on Google Maps:

Find the location of this address on Google Maps, pinpoint this location, right-click on the pinpoint and select ‘Add a Missing Place’. Follow the on-screen instructions and submit. This update can take a few weeks to reflect on Google Maps.

How to add a new address to Google Maps:

Enter your address without your postcode on Google Maps. Click ‘Suggest an edit on ‘your address’’, next, select ‘Wrong pin location or address’. Follow the on-screen instructions and submit. This update can take a few weeks to reflect on Google Maps.

Marketing Questions

Can I send a campaign to more than one segment group?

You can only send one campaign per segment group. If you want to send a campaign to more than one segment you will need to set up a new campaign.

Can I edit a segment after I sent a campaign?

Yes, you can. However, any changes made will apply to the next campaign.

Can I edit a campaign after it is sent out?

Unfortunately, you can't. If you want to use the same campaign you will need to set it up again. 

Can I add more text to the emails?

Simply open the campaign you want to edit (please note that you can't edit a campaign that has already been sent out), and add links and text under Components. 

Financial Questions

How do I set up VAT on my marketplace?

There are two configurations which are possible:

  • The 50p is charged by the marketplace to the customer and is VAT inclusive, therefore gross 50p, net 42p and VAT 8p which you report as VAT you have charged the customer.

  • The 50p is charged on behalf of the restaurant, and the restaurant pays the marketplace the VAT on the service charge which is VAT exclusive. Therefore net is 50p, gross is 60p, and you report 10p of VAT you have charged the restaurant.

If you have an accountant you might want to ask them to consider which model they feel is correct. For more information on VAT please see the VAT Handling guide.

When I try to set up my outlet's Paybox account, I get an error that my marketplace doesn't support direct payments at this time, what do I need to do?

Contact your Marketplace provider, they will need to enable Onboarding. For more information on how to set up Paybox on your marketplace, please see the Paybox Setup Guide.

Terminal Questions

Can I purchase second-hand Terminals?

We do not suggest purchasing second-hand terminals, however, if you do, you will need to ask the seller to gift the terminal to Redbox.

Do I need a Sunmi Cloud ID or should I have my terminals transferred to Redbox?

Please let Varlink link your terminals to Redbox and we will create you a sub-account, you will receive a Sunmi Cloud Account invite. Once this is set up our team will assign your terminals to your account. Please see Setting up your Sunmi Partner Account guide for more information.

Can I have more than one outlet assigned to my terminal?

Yes, however this is subject to your marketplace provider enabling this. Once it is enabled, you can assign one terminal multiple outlets. See the Multi-Outlet Terminals Guide

Which Sumni Terminals does Redbox support?

Redbox supports many Sunmi Terminals, see the list below of supported terminals and their accompanying webpage:

Can I use my terminal at another outlet?

Yes, you can change the terminal to another outlet, see the Assign Terminals to Outlets guide. Or if you would like to have more than one outlet per terminal, see the Multi-Outlet Terminals guide.

What should I do if I’m going on holiday?

If you are planning on closing your business for a long period of time, we advise closing your outlet.

  • If you are Terminal based - You can power your terminal off and your outlet will change to Closed after 30 minutes.

  • If you are not Terminal based - You will need to speak to your marketplace so they can mark your outlet as Offline and open your outlet again when you return.

Please make sure you speak to your marketplace before you make any changes so they know you will be going away.

App Center, Apple and Google Questions

Why can't I see my Apple API key to download it?

The Apple API key cannot be downloaded using a mobile device. Please use a computer or laptop. See Create Apple and Google API Key guide for more information.

Why can't I download apps from App Center on my iOS device?

All iOS devices need to be registered on the App Center before being used for testing. Please see our Creating an App Center Account guide - How to add a device.

I am sending my app to the Google Store, but is showing in Redbox as Failed, what should I do?

If this is your first time sending your app to the Google Store, we expect it to fail. See the guide on Submitting apps to the Apple and Google Stores - Submitting a new app to Google's Play Store (First time submission).

However, if this is not the first time you have sent the app to Google's Play Store and it is showing a failed status, please contact your Product Specialist.

My Production Specialist has invited me to Google Analytics, but I have not yet received the email invite?

Not to worry, if you have not received the email invite, log in to Google Analytics using your Google email your Product Specialist used to invite you. Once logged in, you will find that the access has already been granted.

App Questions

Can I notify my customers there is a new version of the app available?

Yes, you can do this by using the app update prompt, see the Configuring Apps guide for more information.

We do not want to use the categories, can I remove the bar?

Yes, you can do this by enabling the Hide Categories, see the Configuring Apps guide for more information.

Why are my menu images not displaying?

Please check your app image settings. To display images, the app needs to have List Image selected, see the Configuring Apps guide for more information.

How do I move my app to the testing version of the app?

To test your app, we strongly advise using the Staging environment, to access your staging environment see the Testing the app on your device using the Staging Environment section of the Testing an app - App Center guide.

Why are some outlets displaying as Order From instead of Closed?

Closed is a negative term, so Redbox made it so that if an outlet has their Online override set to Online or Terminal Based and the terminal is online, and this outlet is due to open within the next few days but does not have Preorder enabled, it will be displayed as Order From, this is showing the customer when the outlet is next open. For more details on opening statuses, see our Business Logic guide.

We have noticed some branding we want to update on our app, what do I need to do?

Many factors will need to be considered, please contact your Product Specialist for more information.

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